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🎭 Visual Novel

Example link:

πŸ”Ί To activate the Visual Novel, you must create a new Module and choose the Visual Novel Template.

The Template created by default in a new project is the Chatbot Template.

Only the blocks linked to one of the templates are not compatible with the other.

🎭 Visual novel

In Celestory, there are 3 types of blocks: logic blocks, blocks linked to a template and blocks not linked to a template.

There are 2 templates: Chatbot and Visual Novel.

If the Chatbot template displays a wall for publishing messages, the Visual Novel template has several particularities:

- It is made up around the scene, a decor that is cut in X places of the same width, which adapt to the size of the screen.

- The characters have dialog images (a still image to the left of each dialog to indicate who is speaking) and moods, each of which can be associated to an image.

- It has new blocks to animate the characters.

- The actions of the blocks have delays.

- It is compatible with an animation software that allows to have skeletons with 2D or 3D effects: Spine.

More info: Spine's website
Example of Spine skeleton:

πŸƒπŸšΆ Animating the characters

The specific blocks of the Visual template are

- Scene:

Displays the image of a scenery that is divided into X locations

- Add a character:

Makes a mood of the character appear at a location

- Change the mood

- Remove character

Makes the character disappear by fading out

- Flip the character over:

Makes a flip in the image of the current mood

- Slide:

Displays an image is a text overlay on the screen:

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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