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✨Celestory AI: Create AI games (ChatGPT, Mistral...)

✨ Celestory AI NPCs

Celestory AI empowers you to integrate AI into your game without coding.

Celestory AI empowers you to integrate AI into your game without coding.
Personalize game content and make non-player characters (NPCs) speak and act!
In this example, you are the Player. You interact with the AI Knight.

The Knight's responses, the type of object the Knight will give you, and your journal will depend on your interactions.
You can also use AI to illustrate your game with AI graphics and AI sound.Generate game text content:

Celestory AI

Use to create automations with the Large Language Model (LLM) of your choice (ChatGPT 4, 4.5... this project uses for example Mistral small)

Define your organization (with a unique key combination) and create 3 graph starts that are composed as follows:

Webhook - Generate message (LLM of your choice) - Write

Drag the "prompt" entry point of the LLM to create a format block where you copy the "prompt secrets" defined in yellow further down in the Celestory scenario.

Connect the {{ dialogue }} entry point of the Format block to the "body" exit point of the webhook block.

Finally, connect the "result" exit point of the Generate message block to the "data" entry point of the Write block.

Example of text content:

Writing NPC lines
Autonomous NPC choices
Player profiling over the course of conversations

Simply customize the secret prompt indicated on the Celestory scenario, then copy it into the Format block of the Voltask graph.

You must then copy the URL of the webhook into the Voltask Webhook block of the Voltask graph and paste it into the Voltask Webhook block of the Celestory scenario.

You must then connect the "body" of the block to the text data that represents the prompt (e.g., an Input block or a variable that collects game data).

The "result" of the block can be inserted into any interaction, dialogues, variables (e.g., the Journal) or expressions to guide the conditions and therefore the actions of the game.

The AI Restart prompt

Here is the evolving dialogue of a heroic fantasy video game where the player exits a dungeon and meets a mysterious knight. You must only write the knight's reply based on the following dialogue.

Do not indicate any stage directions. Do not repeat the dialogue. Do not mention the name Knight: before the line. Only imagine the next line.

This line should allow the conversation to continue. The knight must be concise, he is curious and wants to continue the discussion.


The Knight Choice secret prompt

Here is the evolving dialogue of a heroic fantasy video game where the player exits a dungeon and meets a mysterious knight. You must choose and only write one of the expressions before the colon:

This expression designates the single option that the knight should choose based on the dialogue below. Do not add any lines.

donépée&nourriture: The player has spoken of a confrontation with the Knight. He was not unpleasant to him._

convocationduel: The player was unpleasant to the Knight._

bottesusées: The player mentioned wanting to travel to a place._


The AI Journal secret prompt

Here is the evolving dialogue of a heroic fantasy video game where the player exits a dungeon and meets a mysterious knight. You are the Player and you must summarize the dialogue to enter it in your journal.

Do not indicate any stage directions. Do not indicate that you are the player. You must be very concise.


Import AI graphics

Create images with Midjourney , for example, and import them into Blue Menu/Files.

Use the "Vary Region" function to maintain consistency in your creations. The "Character Weight" function "cw--0" allows you to keep the same character face.
Midjourney Vary region

Import AI music

Use tools like Suno AI Suno AI to generate instrumental music. There are public creations that you can reuse.

Suno AI music

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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