Articles on: Tool Elements

Blocks menu (right click)

Blocks menu (right click)

By right-clicking in the graph, shortcuts to favorite blocks appear. You can change the shortcuts in the Blocks Menu. To access them, click More Blocks.

The basic blocks


The Start block is used to start each graph.


The Story block allows you to create the draft scenes (notes) of your interactive scenario. It does not affect the design or logic of the graph. It will not be visible to the player.

You can replace the text you place between singletons (e.g. {{ x }} apples) with the value of a current variable. Once done, the text between singletons appears at the bottom of the block with a point to connect to the block of the variable you are targeting.


The Assign block is used to assign a value to a variable. This assignment is absolute (ex:Y number of gold coins, in my story, I lose all my gold coins and I get back a purse of 10 gold coins. So I add a block Assign whose variable is Y and I add 10 in value by double clicking in the block. The mathematical operation is now Y=10). 

The assigned value will correspond to the nature of the variable. So a boolean variable can only have a true or false value, a numerical variable, a numerical expression, ...


The Choice block allows you to offer the player a choice in the form of a clickable button. This choice can be single or multiple. You can then link the different out of each choice to continue the story.


The Condition block is used to switch the graph flow to a binary output depending on whether the condition is fulfilled or not. The condition is represented by the test point. This point must be connected either directly to a boolean variable (which is by definition true or false), or to an Expression block which will define a logical expression to validate. 

To check several conditions at the same time, the Switch block is more appropriate in order to avoid a sequence of Condition blocks.


The Input block is used to connect an Output block to an input in the current graph or another graph.


The Exit block is used to terminate the logical flow of each graph and to send it back to the new Start block of the graph of another module.


The Link block allows you to insert a web address (url) that can be clicked from the game. The player will then be redirected to the page in question.


The Increment block allows you to quickly change the value of a numerical variable. It is a combination of the Assign and Expression blocks that will increment the value by one positive or negative digit (e.g. or -3).


The Expression block allows you to establish a mathematical expression. 

By double-clicking on the Expression block, you can write a mathematical expression (e.g. x > 3 or y == 5).

Then simply connect the point Expression value to the test point of the Condition or Switch block.

Design blocks


The Dialog block shows the dialogue of one or more series of dialog bubbles of the characters in the feed of the chat bot and visual chat template.

It is essential to respect the : "CharacterName: dialogue" in order to make sure that the character's name is recognized and that the character's appearance and disappearance animations are done automatically (to make room for another one or not).

You can replace the text you place between singletons (ex: {{ x }} apples) by the value of a current variable. Once done, the text between singletons appears at the bottom of the block with a point to connect to the block of the variable you are targeting.

In each dialog bubble, it is possible to add a media source, currently an image or a sound. They will appear as an MMS attachment. This is the best way to give voice to your characters, but the audio replicas will have to be associated with each text replica in each dialog block.


The Image block allows you to show an image in a bubble in the feed of the chat bot and visual chat template. It is also possible to add text, including custom text (via the Text Format block) on top of the image.


The Narrator block allows you to show text content outside of a bubble in the feed of the chatbot and visual chat template. It is possible to adjust the margins of this text.

You can replace the text you place between singletons (ex: {{ x }} apples) by the value of a current variable. Once done, the text between singletons appears at the bottom of the block with a point to connect to the block of the variable you are targeting.


The Alert block is used to write the content of notifications that will be displayed in the feed of the chatbot and visual chat template.

It works like a dialog block. Only the shape of the Alert city differs from that of the Dialogs. It is customizable and doesn't need to mention the name of the character speaking (ex: no need to write "narrator:").

You can replace the text you place between singletons (ex: {{ x }} apples) by the value of a current variable. Once done, the text between singletons appears at the bottom of the block with a point to connect to the block of the variable you are targeting.

Clear dialogue**

The Clear dialog block allows you to remove the feed from the chat bot and visual chat templates. After this block, the rest of the feed will appear normal.

Choice with dialogue**

The block Choice with dialogue combines the blocks Dialogue and Choice into one block. A dialog will appear just before the choice.

You can replace the text you place between singletons (e.g. {{ x }} apples) with the value of a current variable. Once done, the text between singletons appears at the bottom of the block with a point to connect to the block of the variable you are targeting.

Switch background**

The Switch background block allows you to change the background, the decor of the chatbot and visual chat template, from another image from the Resources.

Switch main character**

The Switch main character block allows you to change the main character of the chatbot model; the text bubbles for the chatbot appear on the right of the feed.

The expert blocks


The CSS block allows you to manually modify the design of the template of your module.

Play music**

The Play music block allows you to play an mp3 sound in the game background. With the option to turn loop on or off.


The Once block allows the stream to pass through a default path only once. When the stream passes through the Once block again, it will be redirected to the second out.


The Not block allows to invert the value of a boolean variable (true to false or vice versa). This block must be linked to an Assign block.

Run javascript**

The Run javascript block allows you to import your own javascript code to modify your app. Be careful, it is reserved for experts and a bad manipulation may break the app code.

Format text**

Blocks containing a text stack now have the same capacity as the Text Format block

The Format block is a block which allows you to replace certain variables (to be indicated by an unknown between singletons {{ }} which will create a point with the name of this unknown to be linked to the block of the corresponding variable). These variables can be numeric or textual, and will be replaced by their current value in the flow (example: This Format text block must be connected to the empty text point of an existing block (for example the Dialog block), the text of the Format text block replacing it .


The Display block allows you to display an image or video media file in full screen. By clicking on it, the player makes it disappear and the stream continues.

If the Enable Zoom function is activated, then it will be possible to zoom in on it, and to pass, the player will have to click on the cross at the top right of the player.

Display Choice

This is a combination of the Display block and the Choice block. The choices therefore appear directly at the end of the file playback.

It is the perfect block for creating interactive videos.


The Sequence block looks like the Choice block but will direct the flow in the order of these out. A branch from Sequence may not be connected to the rest of the flow (except the last branch), so the flow will be redirected to the next out of the Sequence block. 

The Ounce block associated with the beginning of a branch allows it to play this branch only once despite several loops in the Sequence block.

Open a graph

The Open a graph block allows you to pass the stream from one graph to another, provided it is in the same module or has no module.


The Checkpoint block allows you to save (on the device) a player's progress in the stream. Thus, when leaving the game and coming back later, the player will resume from the Checkpoint block keeping the state of the values of his variables.

Be careful, modifying a graph or a variable can corrupt the save. 

Random path**

The Random path block allows you to randomly return the stream to one of the multiple outputs by determining the number of outputs and the equal percentage chance of waiting for each output.


The Switch block allows you to set up a combination of conditions to multiple outputs. Each new output created is associated with a test point to be connected to each Expression block containing the logical expression to be validated. 

The flow will be directed to the 1st output of a validated test.

Random Number

The Random Number block is used to obtain a random value of a numerical variable. 

By double clicking on the block, you can define the limits of the range of the randomly defined number (e.g. between 1 and 10).

The value of the Value point will then be filled in and you can for example connect this point to the Value point of an Assign block.

Alter choice**

The Alter Choice block allows you to alter the way choices are displayed according to different variations. It should be connected to the choice point corresponding to the proposal whose appearance you wish to modify (delete, cross out the choice or replace it with an image) in the Choice block.

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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