🗄 Side menu (Modules)
Modules Menu
The Module Menu is located just to the left of the graph. It can be collapsed or expanded also, like all windows, can be made transparent.

Each game project is divided into modules, which are the "chapters" of the game. All modules share the same project variables.
Each module shares the same set of design settings ( dialogue box, font, bubble types...) and characters.
To change its settings, go to Module settings below each graph group of each module.
More information in 🗂 Module settings

Having several modules helps to classify your story in different chapters, to keep it organised and to split the story over several modules, which is highly recommended to improve the Creator's performances. To switch from one module to another is easy thanks to the "Open a graph" block, in which you can set a "Entrance" and an "Exit" in other modules.
You can also return your tree flow to an "Open menu" block.
More information in 📑 Create menu

Each module starts with a Start graph. It is a root graph that can be sent to an infinite number of subgraphs of this same module (via the Open a graph block).

You can easily create a new graph by clicking on Add Graph at the bottom of the Modules menu. Then, you will be asked whether or not to attach it to an existing module. If you attach it, it will share the design and characters of the module. Else, it will not share designs, characters or the template of the module. This can be handy to define a game system that can be easily reused.
You can use a module several times or even copy it to a new scenario. It is also possible to export different graphs internally (if they depend on a module, the whole module will be exported), allowing you to import them into another project. To do so, go to Main Menu then Project then Import/Export.
You can have an unlimited number of graphs in a project. The more your game is divided and ordered, the better the visual performance of the graph will be. Therefore, remember to create as many modules as possible so that you don't experience a lag in your navigation of the graph.
Updated on: 11/05/2021
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