Articles on: Conception examples

📄 Learner sheet

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This allows your learner to always have access to his progress in his training.

It is modeled in the form of an overlay menu available on the ATH (via the ⏸ button at the top of the screen during the experiment) as well as on the menu.

This includes:

- % completion through a numeric variable.

- validation of training modules if they have been successfully completed

- a description of the learner's profile including all the measured variables you want to make visible to the learner

You can of course measure many other behavioural variables invisible to the learner.

1. Create as many Modules as there are chapters in your course.

To create a module, click Add at the bottom of the left side menu, and then click Add Module.

2. Sub-divide your Modules into subgraphs

Repeat the same operation, but choose Add a graph and choose in which module you want to classify it.

3. Create variables Numbers

1- Go to the main menu, then to Variable

2- Click on "Add", then select "Numbers".

3- Give a name to your variables: here for example "Spelling"; "Grammar"; "Conjugation"; "Training completion" and "English culture".

4. Create blocks Open a graph

The block 🟨 Open a graph appears as soon as you have created a graph (at the bottom left, click on +Add/ Add Graph) that you need to associate to a module.

Here, the module is Module 1: English.

The Flow will then leave and pass through the subgraph in question, from the "Subgraph Input" block to the "Subgraph Output" block to return to the starting Plot and take the output of the block 🟨 Open Graph.

For each sub-plot representing each proficiency test of the training module, use blocks 🟦 Increment in order to activate the validation of the module.

Here to validate the module, you must have 10 points in each skill.

This can be done by simply answering one correct answer here, but it can also be linked to a series of correct answers.

More information about the multiple paths to a competence via:

💠 Adaptative path

5. Mark the progress in completion

By using a block 🟦 Incrementing and increasing a previously created numerical variable "completion".

Be careful, the completion is not equal to the validation. It is possible to have completed a training module without having validated it.

In this example, Module 1 proposes to increase the completion variable 3 times by 20, while Module 2 proposes to increase it by 40, allowing by completing both modules to reach 100% completion.

Your graph now looks like this:

6. Create a Condition block to validate the Module

Via a block 🟦 Expression, write the condition (which can be multiple) to be checked.

Here, if we consider s, g and c as unknown for Spelling, Gramand Conjugation, we must write the formula:

s==10 AND g==10 AND c===10

Then extend each unknown to associate it with its variable whose value will be replaced in the formula.

So if we obtain 10 points in Spelling AND Grammar AND Conjugation, then we assign to the variable Module 1 validated? the value True.

More information on the possible operations in

the formulas in: ➗ Mathematical operation

7. Create Boolean variables

Boolean variables are used to activate the validation of a module.

1- Go to the main menu, then to Variable

2- Click on " add ", then select " Boolean ".

3- Give a name to your variables: "Module 1 validated?" and "Module 2 validated?"

Open the Assignment block, connect the "Module 1 validated?" variable.

Don't forget to indicate the value of the variable as "True".

Then connect it to the Condition block as follows:

True to a block Alert: "Module 1 validated" :" ✅ Congratulations, you have validated Module 1."

False from the Condition block to an Alert block: "Module 1 not validated" which will read: " ⬜ Unfortunately, you have not validated Module 1."

Then create an Alert block:


You have completed Module 1."

8. Create a customized "main" menu for the experience.

This allows your learner to always have access to his progress in his training.

Start by creating a main menu with items:

Button open overlay menu (leading to an overlay menu Learner's sheet to create)
Button open module for each of the modules that make up your training course

In order to prevent the form from being reset, it is important not to activate the "reset variables" option in the edition of the Open a module buttons.

9. Create a "Learner sheet" overlay menu

The Learner sheet overlay menu will be available from the Main Menu but also via the Head Up Display menus.

This menu includes:

- completion in % through a numeric variable

- the validation of training modules via boolean variables whose display will be "⬜ Module 1" if the variable is True, "✅ Module 1" if the variable is False.

- the description of the learner's profile including all the measured variables you want to make visible to him/her

You can of course measure many other behavioural variables invisible to the learner.

Don't forget to add a Button close menu overlay item.

To learn more about how to create a menu click on: 📑 Creating a menu and its pages

10. Finally create your HUD menus

Each module has its own HUD.

Go to Main Menu (blue button on top left)/Menus then create an HUD menu per module.

In Module Settings/Other, you can select the HUD corresponding to the current module.

For example, an ATH allows you to:

Open summary of the current training module. At any time, you can add a button within the ATH (displayed at the top of the app area) leading to an overlay menu dedicated to the summary of the current training module.
Open the common learner record

Remember to check that the ATH menu items refer to the correct overlay menus.

Please make sure to select the correct ATH to be displayed in the Module/Other Settings of each module.

If you want to transfer the data from your Learner sheet, you can go further in: 🧬 Create a database

Updated on: 29/03/2021

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