Articles on: Tool Elements

➗ Mathematical operations

Those operations let you apply a new value to a variable through the Assign bloc

or verify a condition through the Condition bloc.

Mathematical operators (basic)

x + y
(y is added to

x - y
(y is subtracted from

x * y
(x is multiplied by y)

x / y
(x is divided by y)

x == y
(x equals y)

x < y
Strict inferiority
(x is less than y)

x > y
Strict superiority
(x is greater than y)

x <= y
(x is less than or equal to y)

x >= y
(x is greater than or equal to y)

Be careful not to accidentally use the = sign (e.g., if the = sign is unique).
The single equal sign is the operator for assigning a value, and sets the
value from x to 10 (i.e. puts the value 10 in variable x). Be sure to use the instead the double sign equals == (i.e. if (x==10), the == being the operator comparison logic, and which tests whether x is indeed equal to 10 or not).

Mathematical operations (advanced)


NOT x (can be written !x)

Inverse logic

(denotes the inverse of x if x is boolean, e.g. NOT true == false)

Calculations :

x y

Power (can be written x^y)

x % y

(x is multiplied by x, y times)

Remainder of the Euclidean division (called "modulo")

(x % y is equivalent to what remains of the division of x by y. Ex: 12 % 5 == 2)

Comparison :

 x != y 

x !== y
(x is different from y)

Strict inequality (! ==)
(x is different from y or has a different type)

Strict equality
(x is equal to y and has the same type)

x > 3 && y < 2
AND (can also be written AND)
(The operation is true if both conditions are true at the same time).

x > 3 || y < 2
OR (can also be written OR)
(The operation is true if at least one of the two conditions is true).

x > 3 XOR y < 2
OR exclusive
(The operation is true if one of the two conditions is true and the other is false).


( )
(Used to prioritize calculations)

Period (replaces the usual comma)

PlayerName == "Stone"

The "" identifies whether text is a value (and is enclosed in quotation marks) or a variable (without quotation marks).

To go further and learn how to master Number type variables, go to 🧮 Sep up conditions (advanced)

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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