Articles sur : Export, Monétisation

📱 Publier votre app sur l'Appstore & le Google Play Store (avancé)

Ce tutoriel n'est seulement disponible qu'en anglais pour l'instant.


Create your app on Apple

Create an Apple developer account

Go to

check platform iOS
enter a short description of your app
check Bundle Id: explicit
enter a unique bundle id like com.mycompanyname.myappname and remember it
do not check any capabilities
click continue
click register

go to

click the + button in the upper left and select new app
platform: ios
name: enter the name of your app
Language: choose your main language supported in the app
identifier: in the dropdown, choose the app created just before
UGS: unique identifier for your app in the app store, recommended value is your bundle id com.mycompanyname.myappname
click create

Create another account and add it to the appstore connect team

create another apple developer account (with your email like
give this account access to your apps in AppstoreConnect (with the developer role)
do NOT activate two factor authentification on this account

How to get the variables to be filled by the end user ?

bundleIdentifier : the bundle identifier of your iOS app, find this in]( => My Apps => _[Your app
(it should looks something like com.yourcompany.yourappname )

appleId : the email used to log in to the second developer account created (the one without two factor auth)
applePassword : the password used to login to the account mentioned just before
itcTeamId : your apple developer team id. To get it :

-login to

- then open the following link:

- copy all the content you see (some verbose code)

- paste all of this in

- find the lin "_contentProviderId_": 00000000 : the numbber is your team id. 

       ⚠ If you're part of multiple teams, you will have several contentProviderId occurences, make sure you use the right one (by checkin the "_name_" in the same block as the "_contentProviderId_" ).

appStoreConnectTeamId : find your team id here:

       ⚠ If you're part of multiple teams, double check in the top-right that you selected the correct one.

How to submit to the App Store ?

login to
go to My Apps
select your app
select the App Store tab
fill all mandatory information in the App Information and pricing parts
still on the left, select the version in yellow, the one waiting for submission

-fill in all mandatory fields

- ⚠ in the build section, you must select the latest build (if there is already one selected, you can remove it). In the build list, if the last one is still greyed out and unselectable ('build processing'), just wait a few minutes, you'll get an email from Apple when the build is ready.

Don't forget to save on the top right
When ready, click submit in the top right, next to the save button. If it is greyed, it means you still have missing informations.


Create your app on Android

create a Google developer account
login to
click create application
enter needed informations

Generate your Google Developer service account file

follow the setup steps here:

Upload your first build

go to
select your app
on the left menu, click and fill in the following : (Store listing , Content rating , App content , Pricing & distribution ) (you know you are done when you get a green check on the item)
On the left menu, select App releases

-click on Manage on the Internal test section
-click create new list , give it the name Internal testers and add yourself as an internal
tester, then create

click on Create release

-under Let Google manage and protect your app signing key (recommended) , click on advanced options and make sur Let Google create and manage my app signing key is selected. Then select continue .

-You should see a page title New release to internal test

-select browse files under Android App Bundles and APKs to add , and select the file
app-release.aab that you downloaded from Celestory

-click save

-click review

-click Start rollout to internal test . If this bbutton is greyed out, it means at least one of
the mandatory items on the left is not green.

Your app is now in the pending publication state . You must wait a few hours (maybe days) that Google validates your app. You can see your app state from your app's dashboard page in the developer console.

Mis à jour le : 29/03/2021

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